- Employee staff is required to provide quality customer service by actively engaging in continuous improvement and in implementing hierarchical chiefs decisions.
- In the exercise of his / her own function, hired personnel have the obligation to have professional behavior as well as to ensure, under legal conditions, the necessary transparency in order to gain and maintain the trust of the clients in the integrity, impartiality and effectiveness of their own actions.
- Employees of the company have the obligation, through their acts and actions, to observe the legal regulations in force and to act for the implementation of the internal and legal provisions, according to their attributions, in compliance with the professional ethics.
- Employee employees have the duty to defend the company’s prestige loyalty and to refrain from any detriment that may harm the image and interests of the company;
- It is forbidden to hired personnel:
- to express in public appraisals that are not in line with the reality of the company’s activity, its policies and strategies or the projects it carries out;
- to disclose non-public information, to disclose the information to which he / she has access through the exercise of his / her own job duties if this would harm the interests of the company;
- to provide advice or assistance, to carry out activities for competitors of the company using the data and information that they have access to as a result of their own service duties.
- In their work, employees have the duty to respect the freedom of others’ opinions and not to be influenced by personal considerations;
- In expressing opinions, the hired personnel must have a conciliatory attitude and avoid conflicts due to the exchange of views.
- Employees not affiliated to trade unions have the right to choose representatives to represent them in collective bargaining, and have the obligation to pass on to the company the names of the representatives. In the absence of representatives, the non-affiliated employee will have the rights and will exercise the obligations resulting from collective bargaining.
- Employees will not discriminate on grounds of sex, age, religion, race, caste, social origin, ethnicity, nationality, trade union membership, political affiliation, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.
- Employee staff will disclose to the management of the company any manifestations of discrimination.
- Any form of exploitation of minors is prohibited.
- It is forbidden to use forced or compulsory labor:
- as a measure of coercion or political education, or as a sanction against persons who have expressed or express certain political opinions or manifest their ideological opposition to the established political, social or economic order;
- as a method of mobilizing and using the workforce for the purpose of economic development;
- as a measure of the discipline of labor;
- as a punishment for participating in strikes;
- as a measure of racial, social, national or religious discrimination.
- The use of corporal punishment, verbal abuse or any other kind is prohibited.
- Employees are required to take preventive behavior to avoid the risk of injury and professional illness.
- In the company policies are established and implemented that prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages during working hours, namely smoking in the workplace, as well as the ban on smoking in places other than those specially arranged according to the legal provisions in force and the employees are bound to respect these policies.
- Employees must assume responsibility for their own conduct in accordance with environmental safety and welfare.
- Employee staff, which directly represents the company in its dealings with customers, suppliers, subcontractors, banks, etc., has the obligation to promote the company’s values and a positive image of it that supports its strategic objectives.
- Employee staff will have a sober, polite, attitude toward the needs of their employees, always taking into account the company’s interests.
- Employee staff are forbidden to claim or accept gifts, favors, any advantages in dealing with collaborators.
- Employees of the company have a duty to have a relationship based on respect, good faith, fairness and courtesy in their relationships.
- Employed personnel must adopt an impartial and justified attitude in solving all problems and conflicts and apply the principle of equal opportunities and treatment.
- Employees are under the obligation not to harm the honor, reputation and dignity of others (superior, subordinate, or hierarchical) by:
- use of offensive words.
- disclosure of privacy issues.
- making complaints or libelous complaints.
- In the exercise of the specific functions of the management positions, the employees of the company have the obligation to ensure equal opportunities and treatment regarding the development of the subordinated personnel.
- Employees with leadership functions are required to examine and apply objectively the criteria for assessing competency for each subordinate employee and to determine the best proposals for subordinates and society on promotion, rewards, individualized development and training programs.
- Employees with leading positions are under no obligation to favor or disadvantage promotion to vacant positions on non-conforming criteria (eg, kinship, affinity, etc.).
- Employee staff has a duty to manage the assets of the company with responsibility, avoiding any damage occurring as a good owner.
- Employee staff will use all the resources made available by the company (equipment, time, money, human resources, tools, softwares), efficiently and effectively only for the purpose of performing the service obligations agreed upon under the individual labor contract and job post.
- Employees will only take care of legal activities by avoiding bribes, promoting an ethical business environment free of corruption or any other illegal practice.
- Employees should be trained on applicable laws and customer ethics and business standards.
- General Manager will be charged with communicating business ethics requirements to employees, suppliers and customers.
- There is a confidential reporting system for ethical code violations in the form of a closed ballroom placed in the dining area.
General rules of conduct within Arte Grup Print s.r.l.